dinsdag, januari 15, 2008

"Much to humble Master Copperfield"

David Brooks, in 'The New York Times' van vandaag:

When Hillary Clinton is good on the Sunday talk shows, she is really, really good. But when she is bad, she’s atrocious. When she talks about policy, she will dazzle you. When her own ambitions are on the line, it’s time to reach for the sick bag.

On “Meet the Press” Sunday, it was the latter. Clinton refused to admit any real errors. She implied that Barack Obama is unfit to be president, without ever honestly taking responsibility for what she actually believes.

She broadcast her own humility: “You know, I’m very other-directed. I don’t like talking about myself.” She also described the central role she plays in the lives of all living creatures in the universe: “The Iraqi government, they watch us, they listen to us. I know very well that they follow everything that I say.”

Ja, sickbag, gauw!!! "I don't like talking about myself" Ha ha ha ha. Wat zei ze ook alweer, vier dagen geleden? Dit: "I've inspired lots of people to get involved in these elections who've never been involved before. I feel very proud of the inspiration that I am. People tell me all the time that I'm a role model, I'm their hero; and I'm very proud of that."

Braak, braak braak.
Is er nog zo'n zakje? Bwuuhhhh.